MARKOV, Vladimir and SPARKS, Merrill (Ed. and intro.)

Title Modern Russian Poetry: an anthology with verse translations edited and with an introduction.
Publisher Alva, Scotland McGibbon & Kee. Printed by Robert Cunningham
Date 1966
Book ID 38690
First Edition  


8vo., red cloth in original very strikingly illustrated dust-wrapper (black stylised unicorn on fuschia background). lxxx+842pp.. A very nice bright copy, clean and tight. Neat owner name to f.e.p.. Slight wear to dust-wrapper at spine head. Russian and English parallel texts: poetry by Bryusov, Annensky, Blok, Biely, Hippius, Akhmatova, Khlebnikov, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Mandelstamm, Voloshin, Mayakovsky and many others. Arranged by genre: Symbolists, post-Symbolists, Revolutionary, Exiled, Soviet, notes, first-line and author indices
Price: £20.00

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