Title La Tempo-Masino. La Lando de la Blinduloj (Esperanto versions of The Time-Machine, In the Country of the Blind). Tradukis el la angla E. W. Amos. (H. G. Wells in Esperanto reader). La "Epoko" Libro-Klubo. Vol. IV.
Publisher Rickmansworth The Esperanto Publishing Co. Ltd., Anglujo
Date 1938
Book ID 37417


Covers a little age-discoloured, paper browning some dog-earing to first few pages but tight and clean. In very good conditions. Not dated but presumed 1938 (see COPAC). Translations of two H G Wells stories (The Time Machine and Country of the Blind) by E. W. Amos. Volume IV of the Epoko Book Club.
Price: £8.00

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