A Wayfarer in Austria: with 29 illustrations and an end-paper map. Fourth edition, Revised. Small 8vo., original red cloth, xv+224pp., many b/w photos. 8pp Methuen list Cloth a little sunned, .. GEDYE, G. E. R.. £6.00 Purchase
And I Still See Their Faces. Images of Polish Jews Fotografia Zydow polskich. I ciagle widze ich twarze Folio in size (38x29cm). As new in original unclipped dust-wrapper. Clean, bright and tight. Unused.. TENCER, Golda (Ed. et al) Anna Bikont & Lech Majewski £40.00 Purchase
Austria Basic Handbook. November 1944: [Confidential] Restricted. Numbered copy 695. Part I: Geographical, Political and Social. Part II: Administration. (III)Map Section. Foolscap folio (8.5” x 13.5” or 216 mm x 343 mm). Tied cloth-covered printed boards, containing 3 lo.. Foreign Office and Ministry of Economic Warfare. (Assoc J. G. Ward) £100.00 Purchase
Austria Basic Handbook. November 1944: [Confidential] Restricted. Numbered copy 696. Part I: Geographical, Political and Social. Part II: Administration. (III)Map Section. Foolscap folio (8.5” x 13.5” or 216 mm x 343 mm). Tied cloth-covered printed boards, containing 3 lo.. Foreign Office and Ministry of Economic Warfare. (Assoc J. G. Ward) £300.00 Purchase
Bacon's War Map of Central Europe: Showing the Political Frontiers. Printed paper wrappers, 10cm x 18 cm folded. Paper map Scale of Miles (61.3=1). In very good conditi.. Anon £20.00 Purchase
Brush up your Afrikaans. Knap u Engels op. with black and white drawings by Steven Spurrier. General Editor W. G. Hartog. First edition. Decorated cloth, no dust-wrapper. Map to front endpaper, facts on South Africa to rea.. TROMP, Jan Nieuwoudt (Hartog) £15.00 Purchase
Brush up your Italian: With thirty drawings by P. R. Ward. General Editor W. G. Hartog. Reprint of further revised 1949 edition. Decorated cloth, no dust-wrapper. Endpaper maps. xiv+113 pp.. TASSINARI, Giovanna (Hartog) £12.00 Purchase
Brush up your Russian (Osvezhite svoi russkii). With illustrations by P. R. Ward. Conversations of Real Use. General Editor W. G. Hartog. Revised edition. Decorated cloth in original unclipped green dust-wrapper. Endpaper maps, x+101pp., .. SEMEONOFF, Anna H.. (Hartog) £20.00 Purchase
Brush up your Spanish (Refresque usted su español). With illustrations by P. R. Ward. Conversations of Real Use. General Editor W. G. Hartog. Revised edition. Twenty-third Thousand. Decorated cloth in original unclipped white dust-wrapper. En.. BAEZA, L. de (Hartog) £20.00 Purchase
Bulgarian Wrong Doings and Illusions. A good, clean, tight copy. Probably unused. Original printed wrappers, 29pp.. Upper cover detached .. ANON £20.00 Purchase
Cossack Girl. The Albatross Continental Library. Volume 242. 216pp.. 6pp publisher's list of titles up to April 1935. Randolph Rose's owner inscription to f.e.p... Yurlova, Marina £60.00 Purchase
Dans l'ombre de Tito. Entretiens avec le Générale Vladimir Velebit. Signed. Propos recueillis par Jean-François Berger. Préface de Michael Ignatieff. (Association copy) A good, tight copy. A few marks to cover. With Deakin's light underscoring and annotations througho.. VELEBIT, Vladimir (with BERGER, Jean-François) (FWD Deakin) £20.00 Purchase
Das Deutsche Reich (Olympics) und einige Grenzgebiete. Reisehandbuch für Bahn und Auto. Mit 33 Karten, 75 Plänen und einer grossen Strassenkarte, Sechste Auflage. [With Reichssportfeld plan for 1936 Olympics in rear pocket]. 6th edition. LII+524pp., all maps and plans complete as called for. Large folding route map(Strasse.. BAEDEKER, Karl. (Assoc. J. G. Ward Foreign Office). £120.00 Purchase
Das Elsass: Strassburg und die Vogesen. Reisehandbuch. Mit 8 Karten, 5 Plänen und 4 Stadtwappen. Illustrated printed card covers as published, XL+192pp.. All maps and plans as called for. Covers a .. BAEDEKER, Karl. £30.00 Purchase
Das Generalgouvernement: Reisehandbuch. Mit 3 Karten und 6 Stadtplänen. (With extra 1938, Zakopane published, map of the Tatras, loosely inside). Usual limp red cloth lettered gilt, ruled in blind. ‘Bücherei Puchta’ stamp to title page, 5 maps (c.. BAEDEKER, Karl. £150.00 Purchase