Bez Lyubvi, bez Radosti. Cover design by Boris Titov. Polnoye Sobranie Sochinenii. Tom XI. A good complete, tight copy but covers rather age-soiled, book slightly cocked, inner joint cracked... PODYACHEV, S.(Semen) Boris Titov. £35.00 Purchase
Conversations with Stalin. A very nice bright copy of this classic work in original (price-clipped) dust-wrapper. 192pp.. Colle.. DJILAS, Milovan. £12.00 Purchase
Dans l'ombre de Tito. Entretiens avec le Générale Vladimir Velebit. Signed. Propos recueillis par Jean-François Berger. Préface de Michael Ignatieff. (Association copy) A good, tight copy. A few marks to cover. With Deakin's light underscoring and annotations througho.. VELEBIT, Vladimir (with BERGER, Jean-François) (FWD Deakin) £20.00 Purchase
In the Path of Tito: (Zivotnom stazom Josipa Broza) A very good copy in original dust-wrapper. xii+516pp.. Dust-wrapper chipped at edges. Tanjug press p.. VINTERHALTER, Vilko. £10.00 Purchase
Marshal Tito. (Association copy). Second Edition. Original cloth and dust-wrapper, war economy paper, maps to endpapers, b/w plates. Used; Very Good S.. PADEV, Michael. £10.00 Purchase
Socialism and War. A survey of Chinese criticism of the policy of coexistence. A good copy in original dust-wrapper. 238pp.. Covers Mylar covered, owner name inside cover. Clean a.. KARDELJ, Edvard £5.00 Purchase
Tito's Plot against Europe. The Story of the Rajk Conspiracy. Original pink covers printed in blue. 124pp.. Spine sunned, covers a little marked but a good, tight.. KARTUN, Derek £12.00 Purchase
Tito's Plot against Europe. The Story of the Rajk Conspiracy. Original pink covers printed in blue. 124pp.. A very good copy. Used; Very Good The author was "... .. KARTUN, Derek £12.00 Purchase