(Russian Concert) Blagorodnoie Sobranie 22-og aprilia 1901 g. Vecher' sluzhashchih' v' upravlenii Zh D. Art Nouveau Russian theatre programme. Illustrated 4pp programme, a little scored on lower cover. In excellent condition. Venue appears to .. RUSSIAN CONCERT PROGRAMMES ST PETERSBURG. £12.00 Purchase
(Russian Concert) Iubilein'ii Kontsert Gvardeiskago Ekipazha v' pod'zu vdov' i sirot' inzhnih' chinov', pogibshix' v' Russko-Japonskyiu Voinu. (Russo-Japanese War). Art Nouveau Russian theatre programme. 4pp in decorated covers, braided tie. Art Nouveau Russian theatre programme. In very good condition... RUSSIAN CONCERT PROGRAMME. £12.00 Purchase
(Russian Concert) Perv'ii Bol'shoi Kontsert' Anastasii Dmitrievn'i Vial'chevoi. Art Nouveau Russian theatre programme. Russian concert programme 4pp. Art Nouveau decorated. Used; Very Good First important appearance of .. [Valcheva] £10.00 Purchase
Boris Pasternak. The Tragic Years 1930 - 60. Translated from the Russian by Michael Duncan. Poetry translated by Craig Raine and Anne Pasternak Slater. Paperback, 288pp.. Faint crease to upper cover else very good. B/w photos. Used; Very Good "Written .. PASTERNAK, Evgeny. £5.00 Purchase
Drevenskaya Chest'. Cavaleria Rusticana. Opera. Intermezzo. Not dated. A very good copy. 4pp.. Collectable; Very Good Pamphlet no 45 of popular opera pieces. P.. MASKAN'I, Pietro. (Mascagni) £15.00 Purchase
Duma pro Opanasa (Duma on Opanas). Cover illustration by F Konstantinov. Libretto oper'i A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. 10cmx14cm. Collectable; Very Good Cover illustration by Fe.. BAGRITSKII, E. Bagritsky (pseud. of E. Dzyubin) Illus. by F. Konstaninov £45.00 Purchase
Foreign Dialects: A Manual for Actors, Directors and Writers. 8vo., 415pp., illustrated with blanks in back for notes. 1kg. A lovely copy. Clean, bright and tight.. HERMAN, Lewis and HERMAN, Marguerite Shalett. £20.00 Purchase
Molva No. 3 [Russian newspaper]. June 1918. Novaya bolshaya bezpartinaya... gazeta. Vtornik, 18 (5) iyunya 1918. Russian broadsheet newspaper. 4 pp.. 53 x 65 pp.. In good condition though browned and fragile at .. MUYZHEL, Viktor. (Nemirovich-Danchenko) £150.00 Purchase
Perezvony No. 33 1927. Literaturni Khudozhestvenny Zhurnal. (Émigré and Russian literary-artistic magazine). Cover illustrated by Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. [Simon Lissim, V G Perov]. Original stapled decorated wrappers, pp. 1029 - 1062.. V.G. Tipped in reproductions by Perov, Vingo.. REMIZOV, A. M.., MISHEEV, N. I. et al £60.00 Purchase
Pyatnadtsat' Lyat' Russkogo Teatra v' Latvii 1921-1936. Fifteen years of Russian Theatre in Latvia. Original printed wrappers. 100pp Collectable; Very Good With many photographs of actors and stage se.. PEROV, A. K.. £25.00 Purchase
Roza i krest [The Rose and the Crown] Drama v chetyrekh diystviyakh Not dated. Presumed 1922. A good copy. Original decorative card covers stamped in silver. Gilt and .. BLOK, Aleksandr £250.00 Purchase
Ruslan i Lyudmila. Sbornik statei k postanovke operi... Original decorated paper covers, 90.., decorated in b/w throughout with colour plates (by Khodasevic.. GLINKA, M. I.. and PUSHKIN, A. S. £30.00 Purchase
Russian Avant-Garde Theatre: War, Revolution & Design Small quarto, 418pp.. 150 colour illustrations, many from unpublished archives. Published to comple.. John E. Bowlt (Ed.) £12.00 Purchase
Sto Let Malomu Teatru 1824-1924. (One Hundred Years of the 'Little' or 'Small' Theatre). Cover illustrated by Boris Titov. Quarto, original printed covers. A good copy. Clean and tight. 134pp.. Covers a little age discolou.. KUGEL, A, FILIPPOV, V.. (Eds.) Boris Titov. £200.00 Purchase
The Boyfriend. A Play in Three Acts. With a Preface by Vida Hope and Illustrations by the Author. A good,clean, tight copy.128pp.. With charming illustrations by the author throughout. Crease to upp.. WILSON, Sandy £5.00 Purchase