Canoeing. Second Edition. Games and Recreations Series. A very nice bright copy in original green cloth (gilt illustration to upper board) and unclipped dus.. McCARTHY, R. H.. £12.00 Purchase
Das Deutsche Reich (Olympics) und einige Grenzgebiete. Reisehandbuch für Bahn und Auto. Mit 33 Karten, 75 Plänen und einer grossen Strassenkarte, Sechste Auflage. [With Reichssportfeld plan for 1936 Olympics in rear pocket]. 6th edition. LII+524pp., all maps and plans complete as called for. Large folding route map(Strasse.. BAEDEKER, Karl. (Assoc. J. G. Ward Foreign Office). £120.00 Purchase
Fly-Fishing for Duffers: By one of them R. D. Peck. With six serious illustrations by another H. M. Bateman. Sixth impression. Small 8vo. (12 x 19cm), original green cloth in unclipped dust-wrapper, 82pp., ful.. PECK, R. D., BATEMAN, H. M. £10.00 Purchase
Golf with Seven Clubs. Foyles Handbooks. Reprint. Original illustrated paper-covered boards, no dust-wrapper, 93 pp., b/w plates. In very goo.. BROWNING, Robert H. K. £30.00 Purchase
Gonochnyye modeli samoletov: [Model Aeroplanes for Racing]. Biblioteka yunogo konstruktora. Text in Russian. Illustrated paper covers, 45 pp., in-text illustrations. Almost as new, appears unused. Clean, tight.. KHUKHRA, Yu.. £16.00 Purchase
Hantel - Büchlein für Zimmerturner: Neunte Auflage [Ninth edition]. Decorated boards, 12mo., viii+120pp., 26 b/w in-text illustrations. A little marking to upper board .. KLOSS, Dr Moritz. £6.00 Purchase
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Northern Germany as far as the Bavarian and Austrian Frontiers. With 47 maps and 81 plans. Fifteenth revised edition. Usual red cloth, gilt, xxxviii+430pp., all maps and plans as called for 2 silk markers. A very nice .. BAEDEKER, Karl. £12.00 Purchase
Primenenie atomnykh dvigatelei v aviatsii Nauchno-populiarnaya biblioteka. [Application of atomic engines in aviation. Popular Science Library]. Text in Russian. Illustrated paper covers, 167 pp., in-text illustrations. As new, appears unused. Clean, tight and b.. NESTERENKO, G. N., A.I. Sobolev and IU︡︠.N. Sushkov £25.00 Purchase
Rasskaz o motorollere: Рассказ о мотороллере. [On motor scooters]. Text in Russian. Illustrated paper covers, 96 pp., in-text illustrations. Almost as new, appears unused. Clean, tight.. ORESHKIN, P. P.. £25.00 Purchase
Rasskaz ob iskusstvennykh sputnikakh. (An Account of Artificial Satellites). Text in Russian. Illustrated paper covers, 96 pp., in-text illustrations. Almost as new, appears unused. Clean, tight.. LEVANTOVSKIY, V. I.. £25.00 Purchase