Anno Domini. Stikhotvorenniya. Kniga Tretya. [Poems Book Three]. Vtoroe dopolnennoe izdanie An excellent copy. Clean and tight, some pages unopened. Original wrappers printed in blue and black.. AKHMATOVA, Anna £300.00 Purchase
Bagazh. [Baggage] Samuil Marshak and Vladimir Lebedev. Original illustrated stapled paper covers 215x280 mm.. A very good copy. A little darkening to cove.. MARSHAK, S.. Illus. by V Lebedev £60.00 Purchase
Chetki [The Rosary] Vtoroe izdanie Original printed wrappers, upper cover present but detached, lacks backstrip and possibly lower cove.. AKHMATOVA, Anna £300.00 Purchase
Dobrynya i Zmey bylina. Large quarto. P/b., 22pp.. A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. Just a little turning at edges .. Politova, text, Vorobev, illus. £15.00 Purchase
Dvenadtsat Skifi [The Twelve and The Scythians illustrated by Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov. Russian edition]. A good copy in original rather fragile printed wrappers. Small quarto, 21x24cm., 58pp., with two ful.. BLOK, Aleksandr [Goncharova Larionov] £800.00 Purchase
Frantszuzskie narodnye pesni. [French Folk-songs]. Original paper-covers printed in brown and black and uniform with others in the series.10x13.5cm.In .. GUMILEV, N. (Nikolay) Gumilyov. £200.00 Purchase
Kolchan [The Pyre]. 4-ya kniga stikhov. Izdanie vtore. Second edition. Original paper-covers printed in brown and blue and uniform with others in the series 10x13.5cm. In .. GUMILEV, N. (Nikolay) Gumilyov. £200.00 Purchase
Ognennyi stolp [The Pillar of Fire] Vtoroe izdanie. Second Edition. Original paper-covers in very good condition both internally and externally. Publisher's mark by Mst.. GUMILEV, N. (Nikolay) Gumilyov. £200.00 Purchase
Pervaya lyubov' [First Love]. Original decorated paper wrappers, 10x15cm. In very good condition. All decorations and illustratio.. TURGENEV, I. S ( Konashevich) £200.00 Purchase
Podorozhnik [Plantain]. Stikhotvoreniia A very attractive publication. A good copy. Clean and tight. 9x12cm, original rather fragile printed.. AKHMATOVA, Anna (Mstislav Dobuzhinsky) £500.00 Purchase
Portretii russkih khudozhnikov. Portraits of Somov, Benois, Dobuzhinsky et al. Avtolitografii G S Vereiskogo. Portraits of Russian artists. Large quarto, original printed wrappers, 10 full-page lithographic portraits. In excellent condition.. VEREISKY George S. Vereysky £200.00 Purchase
Prokazniki. Gorlin and Bloch Blokh. Mirayev. [The Mischief-Makers] Not dated, presumed early 1930s. A very good bright copy in original colour decorated card covers. .. MIRAYEV, Miraev. D. [Mikhail Gorlin and Raisa Bloch Blokh] £200.00 Purchase
Punochki Prileteli! P/b., 20pp.. A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight and in excellent condition. Used; Very Good .. SOKOLOV-MIKITOV, I. £10.00 Purchase
Ramzes [Ramses] An excellent copy. Original printed wrappers 12x16cm. Appears unused, usual browning of paper. Used;.. BLOK, Aleksandr £200.00 Purchase
Roza i krest [The Rose and the Crown] Drama v chetyrekh diystviyakh Not dated. Presumed 1922. A good copy. Original decorative card covers stamped in silver. Gilt and .. BLOK, Aleksandr £250.00 Purchase