Chetyre glavy iz literaturnykh vospominanii? Anna Akhmatova. Nikolai Zabolotskii, Pamyati Grossmana, N. YA. Berkovsky P/b., covers a little age-darkened, small annotation to one page otherwise clean and tight. Used; Ve.. ROSKINA, Nataliya £16.00 Purchase
Chuznaia Lira. (The Foreign Lyre) illustrated by Annenkov and Echeistov. Perevodi iz odinnadtsati sovremenn'ih nemetskih poetov-. Edges a little worn else in excellent condition, spine head pulled, paper yellowed, some light stain.. NEISHTADT, Vladimir. Ed. (Echeistov, Annenkov, Kokoschka) £100.00 Purchase
Comrade Venka [Cruelty]: Translated from the Russian by Joseph Barnes. Originally published in the U.S.S.R. under the title ‘Zhestokost’ (Cruelty). First edition in English. In original dust-wrapper, 303 pp.. Jacket design by Edwards. In very good .. NILIN, Pavel. £12.00 Purchase
Cudaki na podmostkakh Novaya kniga pes i sketchei dlya stseny i chteniya In very good condition. Paper yellowing a little. Used; Very Good The present volume was published .. AVERCHENKO, Arkady Awertschenko £150.00 Purchase
Der Moderne Buchschmuck in Russland: illustrations by Benois, Somov, Bakst, Lanceray, Bilibin, Narbut, Chekhonin. [Modern book decoration in Russia]. Original gilt lettered and decorated paper covers, 24x33cm, decorated end-papers. With 112 pages, pr.. MAKOVSKY, Sergei (Ed) RADLOV, N (text) Makowsky Radlow. £600.00 Purchase
Despair. A very good copy in original unclipped dust-wrapper (designed by John Mayhew). Very clean and tight... Nabokov, Vladimir £45.00 Purchase
Diaboliad and Other Stories Translated from the Russian by Carl Proffer. With an Introduction by Julie Curtis. P/b., 192pp.. A very nice bright copy indeed. Clean and tight. Used; Very Good First published in 19.. BULGAKOV, Mikhail, (trans. Proffer) £5.00 Purchase
Doctor Zhivago: Translated from the Russian by Max Hayward and Manya Harari. Original paper covered black spine over red boards. 472 pp., original strikingly illustrated dust-wr.. PASTERNAK, Boris (Hayward and Harari) £15.00 Purchase
Doctor Zhivago: Translated from the Russian by Max Hayward and Manya Harari. FB 485M. Fontana Monarchs. First issue thus. Paperback. Original decorated covers, 542 pp., 2 pp Fontana list. Cover design by .. PASTERNAK, Boris (Hayward and Harari) £10.00 Purchase
Doktor Zhivago (Doctor Zhivago): Authorised edition in Russian. First Russian edition. First printing 1959. First Russian edition. Publication April or May 1959. The hand-written date on the f.e.p. may even r.. PASTERNAK, Boris. £800.00 Purchase
Doktor Zhivago. (Doctor Zhivago). Edition in Russian. Second printing of Rausen 'Michigan' edition. Original cloth, gilt lettered, 567pp.. Owner inscript.. PASTERNAK, Boris £350.00 Purchase
Doktor Zhivago. [Doctor Zhivago]. Authorised edition in Russian. First Russian edition. First printing 1959. Publication April or May 1959. Original pale green paper-covered boards, lettered in black with publ.. PASTERNAK, Boris. £750.00 Purchase
Dostoevsky: Essays and Perspectives Hardback 8vo., in original dust-wrapper, xvii+254pp.. A very nice copy in very good unclipped dust-w.. LORD, Robert £15.00 Purchase
Duma pro Opanasa (Duma on Opanas). Cover illustration by F Konstantinov. Libretto oper'i A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. 10cmx14cm. Collectable; Very Good Cover illustration by Fe.. BAGRITSKII, E. Bagritsky (pseud. of E. Dzyubin) Illus. by F. Konstaninov £45.00 Purchase
Dusha v zavyetnoi lire. Stihotvoreniya. Original wrappers with original protective cellophane to wrappers, V. G. Used; Very Good Cover desig.. DUKELSKY DUKEL’SKII, Benedikt. (Boris Grosser) £65.00 Purchase