Chetire Zhelaniya Illustrated stapled paper covers, 23 x 28 cm., unpaginated, [9 pp..]. Colour illustrated throughout.. USHINSKY, K.. £10.00 Purchase
Evangelie ot Matfeya,... ot Marka,... ot Luka,... ot Ioanna. [Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in Russian]. Gospoda nashego iisusa khrista Svatoe Evangelie. Original printed wrappers, 4 pamphlets, 75 x 114 mm c. 60 pp each. Texts in Russian. In excellent co.. Matfey, Mark, Luka, Ioanna £10.00 Purchase
Ikstite [Latvian transalation of Däumelinchen] Colour illustrated card covers, stapled, 23 x 29 cm, 30 p..p General light wear to covers, owner ins.. ANDERSEN, H. Christian (JARMOLINSKA, T. - arranged by) £8.00 Purchase
Kak vnuki zaputali babushku. Starii Pastukh. Dedushkini Usii. [Translated into Russian from the Adyghe or Circassian language]. Perevod s adigeiskogo Ritala Zaslavskogo. Khudozhnik M. Rebinder. A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. Colour illustrated covers and throughout. Stapled. A littl.. ZHANE, K. £12.00 Purchase
Kot v Sapogah (Puss in Boots) illustrated by Konashevich Large 8vo., 14pp.. Used; Very Good Nice facsimile reprint of Puss in Boots (told by Sh Perro) and il.. PERRO, Sh [Perrault] (Konashevich illustrated) £10.00 Purchase
Le Petit Cousin du Tigre. Traduit par Catherine Emery. Colour illustrated throughout. Large 8vo., paperback, 12pp.. Used; Very Good Translated into French .. VASSILEVSKAIA, Eve VASSILEVSKYA. Illus. by David Khaikine. £10.00 Purchase
Lodochki. Stikhi. Moi pervye knizhki. Risinki Yu Ignateva. Colour illustrated covers, stapled, 17 cm x 22 cm.. 16 pp.. Illustrated inside in b/w.. In very good.. BLAGININA, Elena. Yelena. £8.00 Purchase
Malchik s Palchik. Konashevich illustrated. [The Little One with the Little Thumb. Text in Russian] Facsimile of 1923 edition. The pagination has been changed from the original else very nicely produc.. PERRAULT, Charles. Konashevich (illus.) £10.00 Purchase
Novye znakomye Risunki N Plastova. Colour illustrated paper covers, stapled, 20 pp., 22 x 27.5 cm.. In very good condition. By Aleksand.. ALEKSANDROVNA, Z. (Zinaida Nikolaevna) £12.00 Purchase
Ot dvukh do pyati [From Two to Five]. 8vo., in original dust-wrapper. Colour illustrated end papers. 399pp., b/w photos. Delightfully ill.. CHUKOVSKY, Kornei (text), KANEVSKY, A. (illus.) £25.00 Purchase
Pesenki. Russkie narodnye pesenki Sobrala M. Serova. Dlya Malenkih. Risunki O. Rozenblatt. Dlya Doshkolnogo Vozrasta. Small format, 10.5 x 14 cm, illustrated paper covers, 15 pp.. In very good condition. Unused althoug.. SEROVA, M.. £10.00 Purchase
Picture Stories. Soviet Children’s Library. For Tiny Tots. Translated from the Russian by D. Rottenberg. Not dated, early translation, probably c. 1960. Landscape format, colour illustrated card covers, un.. RADLOV, N.. [Daniil Kharms Harms] (trans. Rottenberg). £60.00 Purchase
Ptichka (the Little Bird) illustrated by Pakhomov. Neat annotations to one page else very good. Used; Very Good Every page charmingly illustrated in b/.. TOLSTOI, L.N. (Tolstoy) (illus. A. F. Pakhomov) £15.00 Purchase
Rodnoi Buit. 2. Begluy. Detsky razskaz' Risunki V. M. Vasnetsova. Fotogravyura M M Panova. Original cloth backed paper-covered boards, Vasnetsov reproduction to upper cover, lettered in black.. V M Vasnetsov M M Panov £20.00 Purchase
Russkaya narodnaya skazka - [ illustrations]. 10 colour illustrations in loose-leaf folder. 23 x 29 cm.. In very good condition and complete as ca.. [GOLUBEV, A. Rachev, E.. Vasnetsov, Yu.. Endrikson, Ye.] Illustrators. £10.00 Purchase