100 Most Useful Turkish Sentences: For 1001 Travel Needs. For Pronunciation Practice. For Language Familiarization. 33 1/3 record in original sleeve, and 32-page book. 14 minutes of spoken language. In good condition.. BLACKBURN, Jeanne Miles and SENIZ, Refah £8.00 Purchase
Arabic: World Foreign Language Record Series. Five original “durable top-quality” Vinyl records in sleeve with 24 pp. accompanying booklet. 13 x .. Educational Services. £15.00 Purchase
Chinese (Mandarin): World Foreign Language Record Series. Five original “durable top-quality” Vinyl records in sleeve with 33 pp. accompanying booklet. 13 x .. Educational Services. £15.00 Purchase
Die Methode Toussaint-Langenscheidt [Phonotoula-Grammophonplatten. Briefplatten Buchplatten.]: und ihre Hilfsmittel für den Sprachunterricht. Katalog der Langenscheidtschen Verlagsbuchhandlung. Published 20.II.13. Original printed, blue wrappers, 48 pp.. In-text b/w illustrations and decorations. Texts in German... LANGENSCHEIDT, Prof. G.. £20.00 Purchase
Introduction to Arabic, Arabic Pronunciation: A BBC Radio Course for Beginners. R33 1/3 RPM 7” record with 80 pp. accompanying manual. Record bright and clean. Booklet in good cond.. MITCHELL, T.F. & BARBER, D.. £6.00 Purchase
Living French: A Complete Language Course. A New Tested Method that simplifies language study...[Conversation Manual French and Common Usage Dictionary French -English, English-French by Ralph Weiman] Reprinted from 1957 edn. Original boxed-set in sturdy textured card, illustrated title label laid do.. BELLANCOURT, Max with Ralph Weiman et al £45.00 Purchase
Living Japanese: A Complete Language Course. 40 Lessons Complete on 4 Long-Playing High-Fidelity 33 1/3 RPM Original attractively colour illustrated box 26 x 26 x 2 cm., 124 pp stapled large 8vo. manual, 145 .. The Living Language Course. £40.00 Purchase
Living Russian: A Complete Language Course. 40 Lessons Complete on 4 Long-Playing High-Fidelity 33 1/3 RPM Original attractively colour illustrated box 26 x 26 x 2 cm., 105 pp stapled large 8vo. manual, 4 x .. The Living Language Course. £40.00 Purchase
Modern Chinese: A Basic Course. Three 12-Inch LP Discs. Original illustrated box, three 12-Inch LP Discs (no manual present). Lacks Manual of Grammar, other.. Faculty of Peking University. £20.00 Purchase
Pamyat serdtsa, polyuvila ya etc... 5 Soviet folk-song and classical music recordings. 5 Soviet folk-song and classical music recordings on gramophone records in box with Collet’s label. .. SAKHAROV, MEREVICH, WALTER (piano) £40.00 Purchase
Proposal. Predlozhenie [Record]. A jest in one act. Shutka v odnom deistvin ispolnyayut artisty teatra imeni Vakhtangova. ND 909-910(a) 33 1/3 ob. v min. “Made in the USSR 9”. Record of The Proposal in Russian on gramophone record. In very good condition in original plastic a.. CHEKHOV, A.. [M Derzhavin, T. Blazhina and V. Koltsov. £10.00 Purchase
Record: Blue- Eyed Child. Azerbaijan folk song. Birth Mark on the Cheek. Folk instrument Ensemble led by A. Bakikhanov. 78 record: GOCT 5289-56 26353(a) 78 record in original sleeve. Extra charges for overseas postage. Used; Very Good Azerbaijani folk s.. ALIEV, A. £8.00 Purchase
Record: Pakhta Ter. Kurmandim. Uzbek Songs. 78 Record: GOCT 5289-56 18742(a) 78 record in original sleeve. Extra charges for overseas postage. Used; Very Good Uzbek folk songs r.. AKHMEDOVA, Nazira. £8.00 Purchase
Record: Zolkhizya. Bashkir Folk Song. 78 record: GOCT 5289-56 19832(a) 78 record in original sleeve. Extra charges for overseas. Used; Very Good Bashkir folk songs record... NURMUKHAMETOVA, D. £8.00 Purchase
Records: C-6322 Ako Spavas Vilo Moja. Ne Zaboravi Me Ti. C-6154 Spavaj mi Ancice. Dodi u Krilo Moje. C-6331 Kad Misec Zablista. Ribara Janja Kci. C-6157 Sve Pticice iz Gore. Tamo na Rivi. C-6350 Bosno Moja Poharana. Moj Mostaru. Moj Beharu. C-6305 Nincsen Annyi Te... 9 Jugoton 78s all in excellent condition in original printed sleeves. More details on request. Heavy.. JUGOTON £40.00 Purchase