A Complete List of Shakespeare's Plants for use in the Shakepeare Garden at Lightwoods Park, Birmingham. Original printed wrappers, 28pp.. Wrappers a little marked and chipped at edges, detached but both p.. JOHNSON, G.. £50.00 Purchase
An Experimental Enquiry Concerning the Natural Powers of Water and Wind to Turn Mills, and other Machines, depending on a circular Motion. By J. Smeaton, F.R.S.. Ex Spitalfields Mathematical Society. Disbound, quarto (176x228 mm.). Within marbled papers. 77 pp., 3 folding plates at back. Head and ta.. SMEATON, J[ohn]. (1724 - 1792). £1,000.00 Purchase
British Birds. No 2 Birds of Wood & Forest. Stapled, coloured paper wrappers. c. 30pp., colour illustrations through, tables for notes. A good,.. GILMOUR £5.00 Purchase
Coming to Terms with Latin Names. Printed card covers, 16pp.. In very good condition. Clean and bright. .. GADSBY, Joyce and THOMPSON, Richard. £6.00 Purchase
Etymologisches Fremdwörterbuch der Pflanzenkunde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Flora. Contemporary cloth-backed boards, Used; Very Good .. JÜRGENS, Karl £20.00 Purchase
Hedgerow Shrubs and Landscape History: Some Shropshire Examples Reprinted from Field Studies. Offprint from Field Studies. Used; Very Good .. CAMERON, R. A. D. and PANNETT, D. J.. £5.00 Purchase
Le Petit Buffon. (ou histoire naturelle dédiée à la jeunesse ?). Reprint. Contemporary full leather (tree calf?) with remains of labels to spine, marbled endpapers, .. LE CLERC, George Louis, Count de Buffon £8.00 Purchase
So Tiberius. Decorated by A. H. Eisner. Original black cloth, 120pp.. Illustrations throughout. A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. N.. MANNIN, Ethel. £5.00 Purchase