Chetyre glavy iz literaturnykh vospominanii? Anna Akhmatova. Nikolai Zabolotskii, Pamyati Grossmana, N. YA. Berkovsky P/b., covers a little age-darkened, small annotation to one page otherwise clean and tight. Used; Ve.. ROSKINA, Nataliya £16.00 Purchase
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Christ Recrucified. A Novel. Reprint. A good, tight clean paperback copy. Slight sunning to upper cover. Owner inscription to hal.. KAZANTZAKIS, Nikos. £5.00 Purchase
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Colloqui con Umberto II e in appendice, colloqui con Vittorio Emanuele III. Photo illustrated card covers, b/w photos inside. In good condition and complete but upper cover det.. BOLLA, Nino £30.00 Purchase
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Covekov Covek. Roman. Drugo izdanje. A very good paperback copy in original dust-wrapper. Clean and tight. Just a little yellowed at edge.. DAVICO, Oskar £8.00 Purchase
Cudaki na podmostkakh Novaya kniga pes i sketchei dlya stseny i chteniya In very good condition. Paper yellowing a little. Used; Very Good The present volume was published .. AVERCHENKO, Arkady Awertschenko £150.00 Purchase
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Demonics Association copy: Eric Ely Estorick A good copy generally. Original wrappers, title printed black with publisher's imprint to lower cove.. BROWN, Bob (Robert Carlton Brown) (Eric Estorick) £400.00 Purchase