Tupeinyi Khudozhnik. (The Master Hairdresser) Rasskaz na Mogile. Original printed card covers, lap edges, good quality paper all round. Minor damage to spine tail, c.. LESKOV, N. S.. (Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky illus) £80.00 Purchase
Turgenev : the man, his art and his age A good copy in original dust-wrapper. With b/w illustrations. Clean and tight. Dust-wrapper chippe.. Yarmolinsky, Avrahm £8.00 Purchase
Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters, The Cherry Orchard. The Russian Text of three Plays. A good copy in original price-clipped brown dust-wrapper printed in red. Clean and tight. War Econo.. CHEKHOFF, A. P. [Chekhov] £8.00 Purchase
Unnatural Death: Zephyr Books. A Library of British and American Authors. Vol. 82. Original printed wrappers, 277 pp.. with double page family tree in back. Fair to good condition. Ve.. SAYERS, Dorothy L.. £25.00 Purchase
V kruge pervom. (V prvom krugu) (The First Circle in the original Russian) Rare edition. Original red boards, 515pp.. 87 chapters. Original cellophane wrapper rather torn, edg.. SOLZHENITSYN, Aleksandr (Alexander Solschenizyn) £150.00 Purchase
V pervom krugu [Flegon first edition]. [In the First Circle in the original Russian] [V kruge pervom] Original printed card covers, 644pp.. Used; Very Good First edition of Solzhenitsyn's The First Circ.. SOLZHENITSYN, Solzhenitzyn Aleksandr (Alexander, Solschenizyn) £200.00 Purchase
Vanity Fair A Novel Without a Hero. English Library. Reprint. P/b., 816 pp.. Faint crease to cover else very good. Used; Very Good .. Thackeray, William Makepeace £5.00 Purchase
Vasko Popa Collected Poems 1943 - 1976. Translated by Anne Pennington with an introduction by Ted Hughes. Blue cloth, gilt lettered spine. xiii+194pp.. A good tight, clean copy. No dust-wrapper. Owner name .. POPA, Vasko (Anne Pennington, Ted Hughes) £16.00 Purchase
Vasko Popa Selected Poems: Translated by Anne Pennington. With an introduction by Ted Hughes. Penguin Modern European Poets. D114. First thus. 125 pp.. the cover shows a drawing of Vasko Popa by Mario Mascarelli, Belgrade. A good t.. POPA, Vasko (Anne Pennington, Ted Hughes) £12.00 Purchase
Vesennyaya groza. Stikhi. [Text in Russian]. Attractively colour illustrated paper covers, 16pp., two-tone illustrations throughout. Very occasi.. TYUTCHEV, F. & FET, A.. £10.00 Purchase
Virgin Soil Upturned. Translated from the Russian by Stephen Garry. Early reprint of first UK edition, May 1938. Cloth darkened at spine ends else bright. Dust-wrapper .. SHOLOKHOV, Mikhail Sholohov £40.00 Purchase
Volti Femminili. La Giovane Letteratura Italiana. 8. A good copy in original paper-covered boards printed in red and black. Light wear at edges. Anno VII.. BOLLA DI MONTEVISO, Nino £30.00 Purchase
Vozmezdie [Retribution]. Original wrappers printed and decorated in blue and black. Very attractive decorations both to cover.. BLOK, Aleksandr £200.00 Purchase
W. G. Becker's Taschenbuch zum geselligen Vergnügen. 1827. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Kind auf das Jahr 1827. Mit Königl. Sächsischem allergnädigstem Privilegio. Original engraved paper covered boards, 9 cm.x12 cm., all edges gilt, morocco and gilt library numbe.. BECKER, W. G.. (Ed. Friedrich Kind) £65.00 Purchase
Warmes Brot. Illustrationen von Ingeborg Meyer-Rey [text in German]. A very nice bright copy in original dust-wrapper. Clean and tight. Unpaginated. Attractively illustr.. PAUSTOWSKI, Konstantin £10.00 Purchase