History of Peasant Revolts The Social Origins of Rebellion in Early Modern France. Translated by Amanda Whitmore. Original edition in two volumes. Used; Very Good Well-researched work. Berce takes two major rebell.. BERCÉ, Yves-Marie £8.00 Purchase
Holland The Story of the Nations. Usual decorated green cloth, map, in-text b/w illustrations throughout. Spine just a little rubbed, .. Rogers, James E. Thorold £8.00 Purchase
Household Guide and Almanac 1956 A book for the family and the home. Horoscopes In original printed wrappers. 6th volume (year). 328pp., with 16 4-colour pages. Spine ends snagged,.. News of the World £10.00 Purchase
How Soviet Workers Live. Translated from 'Tak zivut sovetskiye rabochiye'. Not dated but c. 1960. Wrappers, 99pp.. In good condition. Covers a little worn. Used; Very Good Usu.. SEMYONOV, V.. £8.00 Purchase
Idioten Führer: durch die russische Literatur. 1. bis 20. Tausend. 8vo., original printed paper-covered boards, 164 pp.. 2 leaflets advertising aut.. SIR GALAHAD Pseud. Berta ECKSTEIN-DIENER (Helen Diner) £50.00 Purchase
Im Morgenrot der Reformation. (Two volumes, complete). In Verbindung mit Joh. Haller, Georg von Below, Walter Friedensburg, Jakob Wille, Walther Köhler und Otto Harnack. Mit zahlreichen Textillustrationen und vielen farbigen und schwarzen Tafeln, Faksimiles und sonstigen Beilagen. [Text in German]. In two volumes. Tall quarto, original cream-coloured buckram ornately lettered and decorated, in gil.. PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, Julius von (Ed.) £50.00 Purchase
Italy's Austrian Heritage: 1919-1946. 8vo., ix+423pp., usual Oxford blue cloth, in original dust-wrapper. Bibliography, two maps. A very n.. RUSINOW, Dennison £30.00 Purchase
Jugoslavia Rebuilds. Fabian Research Series. Printed blue wrappers, 24pp., map. Small chip from upper cover, some pencil and crayon annotation. .. WARRINER, Doreen £10.00 Purchase
Konstantinopel. Balkanstaaten, Kleinasien, Archipel Cypern. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 18 Karten, 50 Plänen und 15 Grundrissen. Zweite Auflage. Usual limp red cloth, lettered gilt. 18 maps (complete), 50 plans, 15 floor-plans. Baedeker list to .. BAEDEKER, Karl. £75.00 Purchase
Korespondencija Rački – Strossmayer, I–III. I: od 6. okt. 1860. do 28. dec. 1875, od 6. jan. 1876. do 31. dec. 1881, od 5. Jan 1882. do 27 juna 1888. Posebna Djela. Original printed wrappers, 19 x 27 cm., 414pp., 446pp., 424pp. Heavy set: may attract extra charges .. Šišić, Ferdo (Ed.) [Rački Strossmayer]. Association copy R. W. Seton-Watson. £75.00 Purchase
Krcki Knezovi Frankopani Od najstarijih vremena do gubitka otoka Krka (od god. 1118. do god. 1480.). Biblioteka Fluminensia. [Text in Croatian]. A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. Unused. Attractively produced, faux-leather boards lettere.. KLAIC, Vjekoslav (Dr Petar Strcic afterword) (Frankopan) £20.00 Purchase
Kriegsbriefe gefallener Deutscher Juden Max Liebermann frontis.,(published year of his death) 94[ii]pp., 2pp publisher's list. Some damp ma.. Reichsbund Jüdischer Frontsoldaten E. V. (Hrsg.) £30.00 Purchase
Krylya Voyny. Antologiya Korolevskogo Aviatsionnogo Korpusa. [Russian translation of 'Wings of War; an Illustrated Air Force Anthology']. Entire text in Russian. Original blue cloth lettered gilt, 206pp., many b/w plates, Used; Very Good Interesting wartime Hutc.. WALBANK F. Alan (Ed.), SINCLAIR, Sir Archibald (Preface) £60.00 Purchase
La Turquie Kemaliste. Revue paraissant tous les deux mois et publiee par la Direction Generale de la Presse au Ministere de l'Interieur. (The Turkey of Kemal Ataturk periodical) Periodical, issue No 49 (last published).Illustrated in b/w, colour frontis., texts in French. Cover.. TURKEY KEMAL ATATURK £12.00 Purchase
Le Petit Buffon. (ou histoire naturelle dédiée à la jeunesse ?). Reprint. Contemporary full leather (tree calf?) with remains of labels to spine, marbled endpapers, .. LE CLERC, George Louis, Count de Buffon £8.00 Purchase