South-Eastern France from the Loire to the Riviera and the Italian Frontier including Corsica. Second edition. With 13 maps, 12 plans, and a panorama. Usual red cloth, gilt, xxiv+294pp.. All maps and plans as called for. Contemporary owner inscription.. BAEDEKER, Karl. [Assoc W.H. Watts, Birmingham]. £20.00 Purchase
Southern Italy and Sicily with excursions to Malta, Sardinia, Tunis and Corfu. Handbook for Travellers. With 30 maps and 28 plans. Fifteenth revised edition. Usual red cloth, xlix+488pp., maps and plans as called for, silk marker. A very good copy although c.. BAEDEKER, Karl. £20.00 Purchase
Spain. Everybody’s Pocket Travel Guide to Spain. Illustrated by Photographs and Map. In original unclipped dust-wrapper. 206 pp., b/w photos, apps and indices. With folded ‘Geographia’ .. SAMSON, E. Hope (Ed.) £8.00 Purchase
Stacje meki Panskiej Pamiatka z Czestochowy. (Stations of the Cross in Czestochowa) Original illustrated card covers, unpaginated (c. 40pp), mainly sepia reproductions. Used; Very Good.. WELONSKI, Pius £12.00 Purchase
Summer Holidays Abroad On the Continent and Abroad. Cooks 1939. 2nd edition. A good copy. Clean and tight. Colour decorated paper wrappers. With Cook's packing list present and .. (Thomas Cook) £30.00 Purchase
Switzerland: and the adjacent portion of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers. With 47 maps, 12 plans, and 12 panoramas. Sixteenth edition. Usual limp red cloth, gilt, xxx+500pp., silk marker. Edward Stanford list of maps bound-in with eng.. BAEDEKER, Karl £20.00 Purchase
Syria and the Lebanon: Steimatzky's Guides. [Reprint of] Second Edition, December 1941. Small 8vo., red limp cloth, lettered gilt. c-l, 96+200pp., b/w plates (photographs), plans, end matt.. AVI-YONAH, M., BENVENISTI, D., BROMBERGER, Dr. E.. Steimatzky. £20.00 Purchase
Südbayern, Tirol, Salzburg, Ober- und Nieder-Österreich, Steiermark, Kärnten und Krain. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 75 Karten, 18 Plänen und 11 Panoramen. Sechsunddreissigste Auflage. Usual red cloth gilt, xxvi+677pp., all maps and plans as called for. Complete. 2 silk markers. “Hu.. BAEDEKER, Karl. £20.00 Purchase
Südbayern, Tirol, Salzburg, Ober- und Nieder-Österreich, Steiermark, Kärnten und Krain Handbuch für Reisende. Fünfunddreissigste Auflage. Mit 74 Karten, 16 Stadtplänen und 11 Panoramen. With 77 maps, 21 town plans, 14 panoramas. A nice bright copy in original red cloth. Silk marker, ma.. BAEDEKER, K. £8.00 Purchase
Süddeutschland: Reisehandbuch für Bahn und Auto. Vierundreissigste Auflage. Mit 43 Karten, 42 Plänen und 20 Grundrissen. 34th edition, usual red cloth, gilt, all maps and plans as called for including large folding road m.. BAEDEKER, Karl (Edith Achilles) £35.00 Purchase
The Companion Guide to Paris. The Companion Guides. Small 8vo., 320pp., endpaper maps and others throughout by K. C. Jordan, many b/w plates. Dust wrapp.. CRONIN, Vincent £20.00 Purchase
The Dominion of Canada: (Royal Museum & Library Peel Park.. with Newfoundland and an Excursion to Alaska. Handbook for Travellers. With 10 maps and 7 plans. Second revised edition. Usual red cloth, gilt. lxii+268pp., maps and plans complete as called for. Decorative bookplate Sal.. BAEDEKER, Karl. £30.00 Purchase
The Eastern Alps. Handbook for Travellers. including the Bavarian Highlands, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola. With 61 Maps, 10 Plans and 8 Panoramas. Eleventh Edition, revised and augmented. Usual red cloth, xxvi+574pp., general map to rear paste-downs, all maps etc.. complete as called for.. BAEDEKER, Karl £45.00 Purchase
The Handbook of India. Published June 1958 (Jyaistha, 1880). P/b., 156pp.. A good, clean, tight copy. Barely used. With att.. The Director Publications Division £12.00 Purchase
The Handbook of India. First Edition: October 1966 (Kartika, 1888) Revised edition: January 1972 (Pausa, 1893). P/b., xvii.. The Director Publications Division £12.00 Purchase