'Of Hills'. 'Of Sea and Land, of Hills, of Loving Times'. (National Trust). A very nice bright copy in original unclipped dust-wrapper with photographic illustration. Stiff car.. LAKEMAN, Tom £8.00 Purchase
'Of Hills'. 'Of Sea and Land, of Hills, of Loving Times'. (National Trust). A very nice bright copy in original unclipped dust-wrapper with photographic illustration. Stiff car.. LAKEMAN, Tom £10.00 Purchase
'Of Sea and Land'. 'Of Sea and Land, of Hills, of Loving Times'. Not dated, probably 1944. A very nice bright copy in original unclipped dust-wrapper with photograp.. LAKEMAN, Tom £10.00 Purchase
African Pets; or, Chats about our Animal Friends in Natal. With a sketch of Kaffir Life. Possibly reprint. Small 8vo., original bright blue decorated buckram, lettered gilt, 159 pp., b/w in.. PARRY, F. Clinton £25.00 Purchase
Ceylon. A Tourist Guide. Issued by the Government Tourist Bureau Colombo. P/b., xvii+171pp.. A good, clean, tight copy. Barel.. Tourist Bureau £20.00 Purchase
Saihgal's Hindustani Manual (The romanized pocket edition of Saihgal's Hindustani Grammar Vol. I, with Vocabulary) 11th (1944) edition. With Key to Saihgal's Hiindustani Manual and Grammar. Two volumes: Manual (1944) in original brown cloth, and Key to Manual (1945) in black/orange printed.. SAIHGAL, M. C. with Munshi P C Saihgal £25.00 Purchase
The Terrible Tale of a Lion (from Victor Hugo) With other Paraphrases and Poems. Chiefly about Childhood and Children by a Colonial Judge. Not dated. Inscribed 1900. Original paper covered boards printed in red and black. Landscape format.. [Frederic Condé Williams] £50.00 Purchase
Who's Who 1934. An Annual Biographical Dictionary with which is incorporated "Men and Women of the Time". Eighty Sixth Year of Issue. A good copy in original cloth, gilt lettered to spine. Sprinkled edges. B/w photos. Very many advert.. Who's Who £20.00 Purchase