Burmese Self Taught in Burmese and Roman Characters. Thimm’s System. Usual light blue wrappers, 168pp.. A very good bright copy. Used; Very Good "This system teaches yo.. St. JOHN, R. F. ST. A. £20.00 Purchase
Burmese Self-Taught (Myanmar language). (in Burmese and Roman Characters) with Phonetic Pronunciation. (Thimm’s System). 4th impression. Light blue printed card covers, 168pp.. Foyles label inside. In good condition, clean and tight. Sma.. St. JOHN, R. F. St. A.. £12.00 Purchase
Guide to 14 Asiatic Languages. Original yellow cloth in original dust-wrapper, War Economy paper. Post-war publishing material but.. BOYD, Andrew. £20.00 Purchase