A` l'occasion de la centenaire de Anna Akhmatova. Exhibition held at Muse´e de l'art russe contemporain, March 6-April 6, Paris. (Catalogue) Obraz poeta, obrazy poezii. Tall quarto, illustrated covers, unpaginated, [28pp.] 2,000 printed. A very nice bright copy as new.. (AKHMATOVA, Anna) Youri Molok. £12.00 Purchase
Anno Domini. Stikhotvorenniya. Kniga Tretya. [Poems Book Three]. Vtoroe dopolnennoe izdanie An excellent copy. Clean and tight, some pages unopened. Original wrappers printed in blue and black.. AKHMATOVA, Anna £300.00 Purchase
Blok An Anthology of Essays and Memoirs xiii+226pp., b/w photos, bibliography. Used; Very Good With reminiscences and essays by Chukovsky, G.. VOGEL, Lucy (Ed. and translated). Blok £16.00 Purchase
Chetki [The Rosary] Vtoroe izdanie Original printed wrappers, upper cover present but detached, lacks backstrip and possibly lower cove.. AKHMATOVA, Anna £300.00 Purchase
Chetyre glavy iz literaturnykh vospominanii? Anna Akhmatova. Nikolai Zabolotskii, Pamyati Grossmana, N. YA. Berkovsky P/b., covers a little age-darkened, small annotation to one page otherwise clean and tight. Used; Ve.. ROSKINA, Nataliya £16.00 Purchase
Modern Russian Poetry: an anthology with verse translations edited and with an introduction. 8vo., red cloth in original very strikingly illustrated dust-wrapper (black stylised unicorn on fusc.. MARKOV, Vladimir and SPARKS, Merrill (Ed. and intro.) £20.00 Purchase
Podorozhnik [Plantain]. Stikhotvoreniia A very attractive publication. A good copy. Clean and tight. 9x12cm, original rather fragile printed.. AKHMATOVA, Anna (Mstislav Dobuzhinsky) £500.00 Purchase
Romans'i dlia golosa i fortepiano na stikhi Ann'i Akhmatovoi. Romances to the verses of Akhmatova P/b., 100pp.. In very good condition, a little rubbed at edges, very very mild damp spotting. Used; .. AKHMATOVA, SLONIMSKY, BASNER, FALIK £10.00 Purchase
Selected Poems P/b., 160pp.. A very nice bright copy. Clean and tight. First thus. Used; Very Good One of Russia’s .. TSVETAYEVA, Marina (David McDuff translator) £8.00 Purchase
Spusk pod vodu. (Going Under) Used; Very Good First edition although written in 1949. Translated as 'Going Under' and written in .. CHUKOVSKAYA, Lydia. Chukovskaia £40.00 Purchase
The Prince, the Fool and the Nunnery. Religion and love... The religious theme in the early poetry of Anna Akhmatova. New and unused. 264pp.. With references and index. New From the author's own library... ROSSLYN, Wendy (Akhmatova) £12.00 Purchase